If you are thinking about opening a juice bar, or if you already have one, then you want to make sure you have a few important things in your space and products that your customers will love. The more people feel you can cater to their tastes, the more they will return. Here are some of the things that you are going to want to have available for your customers at your juice bar.
Good POS system
You are going to need to have a good point of sale system (POS) at your juice bar since most people don't carry cash on them nowadays. A POS system is what clients will run their card through to pay. You should get one that excepts many different payment methods, so anyone who wants to purchase from you will be able to pay for their order. Your POS system should allow you to accept cash, regular cards such as Visa and Mastercard, gift cards, and digital payments. Some systems can prompt customers to tip by giving them a prompt on the screen that asks if they want to leave a tip of 15%, 20%, or 25% and it's a bit confusing to get past that screen unless you tip. While this is a good way to make sure you get tips, it is also a good way to chase away what may have become a regular customer. This is a good example of why it's so important to really research the different ones.
Plenty of seating
Even if you run a juice bar out of a very small space or a truck, you are going to want to offer seating to everyone who would want to sit at your establishment. If people want to enjoy juice while they relax, then they are going to choose a juice bar that affords them this ability. You can set up a few outdoor tables and plastic chairs and this would do the trick if you struggle with seating.
Cold-pressed juice
You should seriously think about offering cold-pressed juice to your customers. It is a staple that a juice bar should definitely not be without. You want to have it delivered to you according to a schedule that ensures you will have enough, but you also don't want to order too much. Cold pressed juice goes through a different process than other juices. A hydraulic press is used to express the juice and pulp, causing the nutrients to stay in the juice. This is the closest you will get to hand-squeezed homemade juice and your customers will love it.
If you're interested in learning more about juice bars, reach out to companies that offer cold-pressed juice delivery.